Thursday 25 October 2007

Raya 2007 - Terengganu

I'm back....bloating. Due to raya cookies, food with santan and fizzy drinks. I do regret that I set my digicam on a different setting compared to my usual one because I want to save the space & capture more but then I end up with a lower pixels and it doesn't look good after editing, cropping and resizing.

This year turn raya kat my kampung, Setiu tercinta.

11 Oct 2007 - Our journey went smooth. We hit Karak Highway around 5.30am and reached safely around lunch time. We stopped twice for solat and re-fuel. We had a chance to buka puasa at kampong twice. The last day of ramadhan my mom prepared my fav desserts…nekbat, served cold. Ahhh heaven.

Malam raya, we spent the night preparing the raya dishes, this year we had Nasi Minyak with gulai ayam & daging. Same day, a history created, I was left to bungkus all the ketupat daun palas on my own because the sifu need to tend to other things, patah pinggangku…malam plak, hadap lagi another batch of tapai pulut, memang cramp la vertebra2 ku ini. Blom masuk part iron baju lagik.

Pagi raya started with usual buzz and rush rush rush...Thought we can proceed with sesi posing & salam2 right after solat. Belum apa2 dah ada guest so the sesi was delayed until almost noon. Hannah and Adan lost the raya zest oredi. All the little girls decided to wear a tudung. I bought 1 for Hanis to match mine in case she throws tantrum, true enough, she insisted on it. So, no ponytail or ribbon for 2 consecutive rayas. Penat ibu beli mcm2 hair accessories.

We had fun and Hannah had fun smooching everybody. Hahaha she's now having a salam & smooching phase !! So enjoy some raya pic here…the rest, u have to visit my raya entry in fotopages (if I have enough time...later hehe)

On the 4th raya, we continued with the almost-‘pupus’ed-tradition. We did this almost every year when I was still single. So this is the 1st time for hubby. We tried using the ready-made rempah bought from pasar nearby. Not so nice, so we have to blend our secret recipe hehe. So meriah and the night was spent eating and what else..main mercun la…all in all we ‘burned’ more than RM300++ worth of firecrackers…Next year we need to buy the KLCC battery one lah. Dam dam dum kaboooom

5th day, we have to come back to KL, so that we can have ample break before the normal routines started. But to tell you the truth…it’s never enough. By Sunday I have yet to finish some of my to-do list.


Anonymous said...

zie.. mmg dh kurus or teknik pakai tudung? ahaks.. anyhow, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin, halalkan makan minum

Anonymous said...

nk tgk gambar raya aku, g

Tukang Campak said...

dah 2,3 hari aku x leh post comment. Pehal ntah

Aku 'rasa' masa raya cam kurus sket tp x konpem sbb x timbang. Ni dah mula berat balik dah ni hehe. Klu dlm gambar tu ada 'illusion' kurus tu kira baguih la tu hehe jadilaa...

Seronok tgk gambor anak2 ko yg happy ngan mcm gelagat esp Hamizan & Hamizah

azura ahmad samsudin said...

nie fp ke blog, giler banyak gambar post sekali. kalau kena yang dial up tu, matilah nak download gambar. anayway, seronoklah beraya di kampung. dapat gak makan satay. best ha!!!!