Monday 1 October 2007

Kuih Raya Segera

I don't know whether this one deserves a title of 'kuih' or not because it is so simple and the only time you hit the stove is to melt the butter.

So, here is my 1st kuih raya, Cornflake Madu. Adan helped me to line the papercups, while Hanis offered to work on the 1st tray. Then I was left to do it on my own huwaaaa... masa nak buat beriya kata nak tolong.

Hannah made it worst, I was about to start filling up the rest when she woke up and wailed, apalagi..nak nenen la. Kalau baring konpem aku pun 'jalan' skali, so I was left with 1 hand and another 10kg on the other while she nursed and s*cked on me, all the way for almost 2 hours. I dare not unlatch her and risk my n*ppIe. Great.

1 comment:

idasm said...

zie, cam best n segera giler kuih raya ni.. boleh bg resepi ke.. hehe