Wednesday 4 April 2007

My Shopping List

What I have in mind as at to date, it can changed in a matter of seconds, but still, for the record hehe
  • 2 pairs or formal shoes from Hush Puppies (black and beige open-toe)
  • 1 pair of Scholl not-so-high-heels latest arrival
  • 1 pair of Mary Jane Crocs (maybe another 2 mini-Crocs for them kids :))
  • Another comfort sandal since the alcheapo brand gives me one smelly feet
  • Blender with a glass-container (good brand with silver & black materials)
  • 1 sling-bag from Coach (Hamptons)
  • Books (have to wait for BookSale) Shopaholic series from Sophie Kinsella, Anabelle Karmel series bla bla
  • A pair of decent jeans
  • Kelisa or Kenari hehe (this will be out from the list in 3 yrs time !!)


Anonymous said...

wanna know my wish list?

1. the very same mary jane crocs...before s'wak trip..oopsss perhaps before reunion this early may? emm... tau tak crocs bukak 1 outlet kat ikano? every model ada!!! chenta want 1 too and he mentioned few times nak belanja iman...but not me..uhuks..

2. the same coach patchwork swingpack..

3. muffin pan (24 mini)...

4. paul & joe lipstick!

5. gap sandal for baby iman yg kemaruk jalan...and adidas shoes for jalan-jalan...wish list mummy masuk gak brg baby...mana aci!!!

Anonymous said...

sronot la wish list ni...
sini pon aku jek yg dok comment..heheh meh aku tambah my jangka panjang wish list lak...a.k.a berangan wish list...

1. kitchen aid mixer - red color!

2. pi bali - no particular reason but i kind of interested with this place...but chenta a bit skeptical bout indon...the earth quake..the bombing..the people...everything! kena pujuk baik2 nie...

3. 4 seasons country - sapa tak mo pegi kan...heheheh

4. house somewhere very near to our office...miss ampang very much! nothing wrong with kajang...yea a bit 'jauh'...but we do enjoy staying there..emm heard we all gonna move to putrajaya in 2010, so perhaps further south next time? dunno yet...investment? bigger? kind of iman can play badminton with daddy...emmmmmmmmm

5. have/religously using complete range of good skincare products!! my metabolic age said i'm 32..this is bad! currently using rojak! - this wish shd be URGENT! hey..jom ahhh tolong aku...

6. makeup range? sedang berusaha mengompol.....

7. own girly flowery beautiful blouses/tops from naf naf/liz claiborne/zara dan seangkatan dengannya!!...i'm tired of "the cheapest item u can find in the kedai"...grrr...ya lor..tara duit...hahahahhaha

pretty much all....
baik kan akak...tu jek yg terngiang2 wat masa ni!!

hey u list yours plaks....

Anonymous said...

Crocs outlet kat Ikano, tau sangat, esok nak pi..hahaha tapi belen gaji baru je masuk ASB. How ?

Aku ngan Man dah decide no more sneakers 4 them. Berlambak Adidas n Nike yg elok2 sbb after 6mths x muat oledi.Mana thn sepsang dah dkt rm200. Sandal thn lama sket. Aritu Man tegur sbb Hannah x de kasut baru..aku kata sbb 2ndhand byk. Ada hrpn shopping kasut baby..i like

Wishlist aku byk kategori (i have a wishlist BOOK !!) tmbh2 aku blom masuk rumah lg...

Aku pun rasa it's time for us to move to a level bcoz we can afford the item. Lets kompol $$, amek cuti, go shopping together !!