Monday 24 January 2011

Selipar saiz 5

Just a note to myself, your dear daughter is no longer a small baby, she's now officially wearing selipar saiz 5. Same size as moi. 1panema no less, Ba-ta no more.

Theoritically, it's another phase of life where she expected you to be more 'friendly' instead of the usual mother-nagging-stuffs thrown her way. This is a phase that will chart her love growth as I now competing with her friends.

We might think we did the best as a mother but we may fail to realise that what she needs is a friend or should i say err 'friendly mother' ?.

Hammer that to your head, ibu...and babah as well. Think back when you were a child, would you like to be treated the way you're treating them now ? If you like it, good job. If you hate it, chances kids loathe it as well.


Mrs.NZ said... slalu dream nak jadik cam Lorelai dalam Gilmore Girls...btw,hanis dah besar!Bila hanis nak jumpa kakak Hanis( aunty?).hehe...

p/s kak zie,silalah ambik award u kat blog i. ;)

Norae said...


dah besar anak dara ko yea..
kejap aje masa berlalu rasanya...

p/s : aku pun masih pakai selipar saiz 5... :)

idasm said...

o ni mesti hanis ni. sekejap aje masa berlalu.. dh ada anak dara dah mu zie... hehe...

Tukang Campak said...

ninie : i heart gilmore girls (psst pun soka shhh..). U look like kakak not aunty yet

norae: rasanya kita dh stop m'besar takat size 5 jelah kot hehe

ida: tulah, ngeri + excited + worried mcm2 perasaan