Sunday 11 July 2010

Empat tahun lahh !!

Yesterday, 10 July 2010, apart from me having to sit for test which carries 20% of my mark, it was also


 the 4TH

I had no time to prepare anything (I mean food-wise) for my family. After class we headed straight to KLCC to get present for her. Takmo jd mcm dulu, she hated (more like scared ekceli) the talking Elmo that we picked from 1setan. DUh!! Lesson learned, let her pick but one thing for sure anything princess-y or masak2 is very much her fav. So in case we dont have time to bring her next time, I know what to get.

Makan2 was almost cancelled, since most of my siblings + Apiz can't make it, I was thinking of telling hubby to go out somewhere to celebrate. But then we had ordered a big cake (1.5kg) anticipating that all will come. So there we were, the first makan2 where I didn't cook anything except making 2 jugs of drinks. Sate + mee/bihun sup tapau-ed from our regular eateries, tu pun beli dh di petang hari. My bro called to tell that he can't make it too, but Apiz did came as he managed to finish his work earlier (yes, Paksu works on weekend, same co. as ezzah which allows WFH jeles jeles ).

Hannah, please don't grow too fast. Ya Allah lindungilah anak2ku dari segala bahaya, limpahkanlah rezeki -Mu dan rahmat-Mu ke atas mereka. Amin.

Happy Birthday , luv luv muah muah hugs & kisses

Current fav : renyuk goncang makan, ibu ni kedekutlah (when she wasn't allowed to do sumthing)


Ezz said...

eppy birthday Hannah... moga jd anak yg solehah.. muahhhhhhh
tetiba nama aku masuk lam posting ni :P

idasm said...

happy besday hannah.. wah anak ibu yg cute ni dah 4 tahun yea..

semoga sentiasa menjadi kebanggaan ibu ayah di bawah lembayung Ilahi.

(ezzah.. sekali sekala masuk jadi gane... glamer skek.. hehe..)

Tukang Campak said...

Ezz,haruslah jeles dgn org yg leh WFH, BIL aku sayang nok tggl AC$ sbb tu ah..mana nok cari weh. Kena la sebut2 nama mung, ye dok Da ?

TQ 'Makcik'2 sekelian...

edrina said...

Happy birthday Hannah!!
Semoga dalam rahmat Allah selalu..amen

zila said...

happy birthday hannah! besau nye cake.. tak ajak aunty pun..

Tukang Campak said...

Ed : TQ

Zila : Tu la psl, klu jemput pkl 6pm untuk party pkl 8pm agak2 aunty leh dtg ke? hehe Next year la kot buat real party