Wednesday 14 July 2010

Books Books and More Books

Kat opis ari ni ada pesta-pesta gitu hehe haruslah panggil pesta kalau staff suka suki kluar beli buku, main game and gumbira2 dkt booth kan ? 3 hari 3 mlm kau..

Opisku & MPH offered another round of book discount. They opened up their booth here in our foyer with most of the bestsellers displayed on the racks. But my immediate focus was not on the books, but stationery. Why ? Because it's 20% cheaper. Because it's valid during sale in our office only. For books, we are allowed to pick any books from the bookstore within 1 month period and pay at a discounted price. Maka, aku yakin aku akan melepak di Midvalleh hujung minggu ini. Kalau tiada yg sudi bawa aku harus menderivekan diriku kesana. semoga aku selamat memarking myviku dgn jayanya. Amin ya Rabbal'Alamin. Drive tak takut, parking makcik ketaq.

On top of that, hahaha tetiba nak jgk ckp walopon aku lom tgk tapi org yg cakap. Katanya namaku terpampang di dkt exhibition board sebab...

Aku menang crossworld puzzle dpt voucher MPH rm150...yay yay 


idasm said...

zie... tahniah menang. tuhan tu maha penyayang. sebab mu dh kena bayar bill tepon tinggi bulan lepas kang.. hehehe...

selamat menderivekan diri. dan selamat memarking kan keta mu.. hehe (zie, parking masuk bontot dulu senang zie. just tengok side mirror kiri kanan, sure dok geseknyer.. hehe)

zila said...

zie, tahniah... tak nak belanja aku buku ke?.. (sebenarnye nk ikut naik myvi mu itew.. haruslah nko yg drive..)

Mrs.NZ said...

congrats kak pun sedang work out mini library kat umah ni.tapi buku hanya beli di car boot sahaje..sebab murah dan masih elok. :)

Tukang Campak said...

Ida : TQ, tulah, rejeki hehe masuk montot ? oh ngerissss

Zila : come la, bila ko naik kl lagi ? Belanja buku kat anak2 je lah ye

Ninie : TQs bestnye, sana buku murah2, klu carboot sure super murah