Friday 31 July 2009

Another Sad Episode..

Next Monday, 3 August 2009, will be the day when my 1st dept in the Co. will be dissolved into nothing. People who were fighting for the 'function' to exist were no longer there.

I's quite a sad day for us and for me who grew with it since 2001. From a small section in a department, it was taken out to be a unit of about 50 and later upgraded to be a department with almost 100. Only to be reduced to NOTHING in less than 10years.

The management's idea was noble and and ideal but have they taken into consideration the staff readiness? Expecting a pure IT auditor to do financial and vice versa within 6 months is like...WhosTheFatherlah...So sick lah, telling auditees to be in control, governance, risk monitoring, communication, continuous assessment...blabla when in fact, u know... They should be checking & assessing the middle management instead of taking whatever bullshit & twisted facts these people were telling. Root cause, please.

I just want to do my work without being overburden with unnecessary stuffs due to other people's incompetency. I've been doing this for quite sometimes but I have never seen subordinate being 'USED' & 'SQUEEZED' like this. In here, it's hard to find a manager who can do their job, but if you want to find one who can kipas & ask people around to do EVERYTHING., very de easy. Tell you, even nak set date for meeting with someone in our own office pun kena call kami yg kat onsite ni. Dah kami susah payah dpt date, nak kata tolong konpemkan pun x leh. Kami jugak yg jauh dari opis ni nak kena call or email. Sanggup call kami back and forth daripada make 1 damn call to the PA.

Imaginelah klu benda sesimple tu pun xleh eh bukan x leh, tak mau handle, yg lain2 ?

So many restrictions on us as if we're not human. Cannot this cannot that, even training oso cannot attend. Cuti kena kensel. stay in the office = tak pi onsite ka ? pegi direct onsite = where's rose ? nak gi jamban = where r u going ? juz bcoz bwk pouch lipstick. Lama2 kematu jugak aku. Tabik spring toing2 la kat org lama yg bleh thn walopon 5minit skali ngumpat berjemaah. I cant be in a place where you HAVE TO bitch the boss like 24x7. It's killing me bebeh...stay & shut-up or leave & be happy.

SAD = JPFour
HATE = Treatment
PITY = x-Dir
FRUST = DeeDee
HAPPY = new Dir
HOPE = GetOuuuuuuuuuuuuT


edrina said...

hmm.. aku cam dah nampak & agak senario2 tu masa aku gi interview bnm dulu.. env dia buat aku rimas & aku rasa aku tak sesuai disitu... tu salah satu reason aku tak pilih bnm.. coz aku rasa kalau aku perform macam giler pun ada kemungkinan aku takkan di appreciate..

ezz said...

speechless but 1 word, sabar...

Hanum said...

ni yg wat aku nk jd suwiwumah 4eva n eva nihh....

ikan said...

typical office senarios...relaks babe... *** gua dah lali..***

Kopi Suam said...

aku pun sama zie...dah biasa dah...bawak2 bertenang ok...

Anonymous said...

:( sedih


Anonymous said...

hoh.. seriously? nak pegi toilet pun dia query mcmtu? gilak kahhh?

lenkali ckp je "nak pegi kencing". hehe..or kalau nak senang.. pakai je lipstick time dia lalu.. hambik kau..

susah betul keje dgn manusia bangsa mcmni

PerantauSepi1306 said...

it's life and i think u know it's not just in our office lah zie.. anywhere else is the same US based, ka UK based ka.. fully Malaysian kaa... cik kepochi camni misti ada sekoq dua.. cuma nasib lah hang dapat dia... cam aku dapat mcm dia jugak dulu.. but i challenged her back and got pennalized for 3 years (hahaha, kalo tak lama dah aku jadik DD mek wehhh.. opss bukan DD setam ye..)
yang penting aku puas hati coz I had done what I wanted to do... looking at the brighter side, i can still have the benefits that others have to pay for it from their own salary and most important thing i sthat I still can be with my family right after my working hour finish... and that my friend.. i took it as a hikmah for all that is happening and it makes my life happier.... hahaha sorilah mek buat cam blog sendri lak ;p