Thursday 27 November 2008

We Like It Move It Move It

Lepas orientasi Adan, malamnya kami berjemaah ke Pavili0n, layan Madagascar 2. The kids watched the 1st one so this movie automatically became tayangan wajib hadir la kan...


We decided that Hannah should be included in the entourage. Adan n Along was 3 when we started bringing them to movie. So Hannah started earlier at 2yrs++...

Pkl 6 blah dari rumah, bibik tinggal hehehe sampai jek sana kena carik makan dulu. The confirmed fastest and sedap-est place = Mdm Kwan's. Ibu n babah stick to the usual Nasi B0jari, Along gorged nasik lemak while Adan x sudah2 ngan mushroom soup...nasik babah suap.

So considerate of them, they provided the plactic glass & bowl for babies without us requesting. Takdela aku risau anak aku pecahkan gelas ke hape kan ?... Menu Hannah mushroom soup + nasi b0jari. Awek ni mesti ada nasik. Ni dia marah aku x bagi dia main kamera.

Dah sudah makan, bawak all of them pi toilet, settle apa yang perlu, pastu lari2 carik surau kat basement. Movie at 8.15pm. Run Run...mengah mak ooi maklumla...badan sendiri pun dah dkt 60kg. So, it went well as planned, we brought Hannah in after they turned the lights off. She insisted to walk on her own, until she heard rumbling sound from the movie teaser. Hah amek kau, melompat dia suruh dokong. Babah bought the ticket few days earlier so dptla seat yg ok. 5 of us in a row, Hannah got her own seat hehe Once all seated and settled down. Babah went out to get some jajan.

After the screening, I think Hannah is more than ready for next movie trip.

Masa aku snap this pic, ramai plak penonton kt blakang, peminat Hannah

Sangat happy ini budak, yang ni dia x bagi aku snap gambar dia. Melompat sana sini...all the way.


Anonymous said...

we also went to madagascar 2 show last mon.. showed 7:20pm. azan maghrib aku solat kat umah, terus ke aeon bkt tinggi.. masa we all took our seat, the movie dh nk start. enjoy!!!

edrina said...

best bangat kan citer neh.. tapi aku rasa yg no 2 neh lagiks best aa.. ni 2nd time danisha tgk movie.. first time dulu citer kungfu panda, masa tu dia baru umur 1 tahun 2 bulan kot.. alhamdulillah ok jerk.. seperti biasa..kat tgh2 citer dia bantai titun daa... ekekekeke

Hanum said...

sukerr aaa tgk hannah tu... heksited kemain budak kocik tuh... so cutee!! :)

Tukang Campak said...

Ezz, lucky u, cinema dkt ngan rumah, we hv to brave KL.

Citer ni mmg bestkan...esp. part King bg advice kt Melman yg duk dlm death hole...Hannah yg 2 thn siap gelak2 tutup mulut tuh..

Ed, klu anak jenis yg tido takpe, jgn yg buat havoc,kang kena jeling maut.

Num, dia ni mmg kanak2 Ribena lately, tp sgt susah mau kwl klu t'lps.

ya2 said...


lama x singgah sini.sori weh..

aku pon tgh cari masa nk bwk anak2 g layan madagascar nih.maklumlah budak cuti kita x cuti.