Sunday 9 November 2008

Hari Tadah Telinga kat Sunw@y

Aku mcm dah terlupa yg aku kena gi conference on 5-6 Nov kat Sunway Conv. Ctr. Aku ambik cab from Jamek and pakcik tu advised ikut NPE hi-way nak elak jam kat Federal yg dah start even before MValley lagiks...merangkak until just before Angkasapur1. Perghhh...sesape yg exit dr situ memang la sakit..berderet even before exit toll.

After 15min & rm15 later. Aku dah terpacak kat hall. Gila awal, blom kol 8, organiser pun x siap lg hehe...lps register, tgk x de kopi pon, so aku merayap gi carik kopi kat hotel. Aku naik ke hall, skalik dia announce coffee will be served shortly..ceh..Baru jek nak manyantai diri tetiba...'Hi, Rose... !!'. (erkk hate that..? Rose DeWitt Bukater ke ? hanya yg tgk Titanic jek tau)

Gulppp !!

'Ye..boss, oh I thot oni me & dot dot dot is attending'

The BIG BOSS was there as well, sib baik aku x buat pe'el cam slalu, pakai smart kasual. Tau je la IT conference mana nak vogue2 sgt kan ?

After 2 days being observed from behind (yes, he chose a seat few rows behind us). He even asked me whether I was sleepy onot, during teabreak. Dang. Selamba aku jwb the topic is not that interesting, yeap cyberwar stats and events are all over the net, I lost my focus and would rather menyonteng the new 2009 organiser given to all participants. Lunch hour make a qucik dash around to find my dream sepatu in beige.

What do I gain from that 2-days conf. ? Adala jugak yang menarik & new things, the rest are things that we already knew. Other that that mmmmmmm new pair of superheels. Yay ! Mission accomplished.

Mlm tu jenuh kejar budak knowlah babies and heels...suka la sgt menyarung. Ada gaya model tak, ni sumer kandid tau. Aku jadik mamarazzi follow dia, klik kiri klik kanan, gebeduk terpele'ot pastu melalak hahaha torus ibu dia sorok.

Nilah ropa sebenar kasut baru ku, agak super sedikit heelsnya tapi tu sbb platform dia pun dh nak 1inch.

One thing...sapa kata nak cari kasut beige senang ? Bapak susah tau...


Norae said...

salam zie..

pekabar.. sempat menyoping kat sunway lg yea... :)

Tukang Campak said...

salam, aku baik ajer..

tu la psl, klu course kat shopping mall, mmg carik nahas, lunch kt hotel pun x layan hahaha

edrina said...

wah zie tingginyer kasut kau.. aku suspek la org terror pakai kasut tinggi2 neh.. aku mmg tak reti la.. mau tergelecoh..terpeleot..ter..ter apa jer lah hahahaha

edrina said...

eh lupa lak.. tapi cantik kasut tu.. simple but nice

PerantauSepi1306 said...

ekekekekek kantoiiii zie ;p
tapi kasut tu tatap cunnn :D

Tukang Campak said...

ya aku sgt suka kasut ini sbb dia meninggikan aku and sbb dia simple hikhik

Ala sydde bkn kantoi aku tido pun..aku tgh syiok godek wifi ngan dak cybersecurity seblah aku, nampak cam tunduk aka tido. Apa2 jelah tp mmg hangen la kan...