Friday 9 May 2008

ADAN, Selamat Hari Lahir Ke-6

This entry should be posted right after the previous one, but I was too sick on Friday afternoon.

Time flies when you're enjoying it, my baby son is now 6. Though small in size but he packs an auto-charging energy. Cuba suruh dia duduk for 30s pon blom tentu dpt. Jenuh...but he's truly a guy. He hates window shopping sampai boleh tarik baju ibu dia yg ala2 kena spell ngan 10% 20% 30% signs hahaha. He's simple minded, he loves robots and action movies (LOTR, Pirates, Ghost Rider blabla). He can deliver one line joke. He leave his shirts and towel anywhere he wishes...what else ?

He always pestered me with his request, a baby boy, as if it's as simple as making gulai ikan merah/jenahak (his fav dish).

Since we're not going to have any party, he brought cake and goodies for his classmates. That night we also bought a small cake (ambik syarat..but it turned out with pink frosting) and have a dinner at MIL's place. At the time the pix were taken, ibunya mengerekot dlm bilik.

I bought him additional Lego set, and Babah had to cancel his intention to buy Thomas & Friends becoz he claimed that he's now a big boy, amboi...he opted for another Decepticon, 1 big Decepticon with lights and sound.

Being one born with a special condition, we can't be blamed for getting a lil bit sentimental with him and the fact that he's very lah the manja boy make it even more hard. To my boy, Ibu love you so much, we need to stuff your face so that your weight won't yo-yo so much. Sesape boleh bagi tips camana nak bagi berat dia naik, please...

Tgkla kecekedingan dia


edrina said...

Happy belated b'day Adan! Adan ni sama tua ngan anak sulung aku, najihah rupanya..tapi najihah lahir bulan 7. Muka dia sejibik ikut kau kan..lesung pipit pun sama :-).
Hmm...anak aku haris tu pun cekeding gak zie...kecik2 debod tapi bila dah setahun lebih start kurus sebab dia ada asthma. Tak macam anak2 aku yg pompuan semua tak der asthma & continue debod sampai ker besar...hmm camana ek nak kasik dorang berisi sikit?

ikan said...

eppy belated bday Adan. wah2 dapat decepticon baru yek...bila nak ajak Iman main? hahahhaha.

graf berat bdn ni unjurannya depends on food intake kan. (ayat skema giler). so kena layan la fav food dia. be creative with food.

iman very picky on green leafy veg. so kena lenyek skali ngan nasi.

adan big boy already....kena pujuk la....and start explaning nutrition kat dia kot...bior la scientific but he sure will love it kan.

PerantauSepi1306 said...

epi belated besday Adan! He really got ur dimples, eh... as for the slim shady tuh, dun worry too much bout the cekeding tu... as long as sihat insya allah... no hal punyer...

try lot's of fruits salad ke, for the vitamins.. food tu bak kata dd.. rerajin la wat fusion cam popia ketam with thousand island (aiman luvs it). Btw, nak buku SAJI, meh amiks kat umah aku manyak neh ;p

Tukang Campak said...

TQ everyone...

Ed, dia ni ada bronchopneumonia geng asthma la nih, skali tgk cam sihat tapi lungsnyer bunyik x hengat. Berat less than 15kg..

Apakata korang dtg bagi ceramah kt umah aku,bdk2 ni klu mak ckp x layan dia kena cikgu or org lain ckp. Pastu the fact that aku skrg jarang masak contributed to this gak kot. Oklah..azam..azam..