Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Congrats my Purple Princess...

:: Yes, my eldest is my Purple Princess as she has entered the phase of puberty Please-Buy-That-Thing-Coz-Its-Purple !! and still stuck inside which I guess will stay until she can see that blue or black or even pink is more attractive ::

My dear Hanis a.k.a Along,

A for Along @ ACMI, Melbourne
Congratulations on your 5As UPSR and Jayyid Jiddan PSRA. 

Ibu dan Babah bangga dengan Along, not because of your excellent result, tapi atas kesungguhan dan kegigihan Along membuktikan pada Ibu dan Babah bahawa Along berpegang pada janji untuk buat sebaik mungkin dalam UPSR dan PSRA sekiranya Ibu dan Babah membenarkan Along bergiat aktif dalam aktiviti ko-ku sekolah. Juga atas kesabaran Along menerima kritikan daripada Ibu yang kadang-kadang hilang kesabaran sewaktu melihat keputusan ujian dan peperiksaan. Sehinggalah Ibu dan Babah sedar, Along takkan mampu menjadi seorang yang bermotivasi sekiranya Ibu dan Babah tidak bersama-sama Along dalam perjalanan yang baru bermula ini. Ibu dan Babah cuba menyediakan apa yang terbaik untuk Along supaya perjalanan Along lebih mudah, supaya Along menjadi seorang yang menghargai, hadiah terbaik untuk ibu dah babah adalah bila Along menjadi seorang anak yang berperibadi tinggi dan menyayangi Ibu, Babah, adik-adik dan keluarga yang lain sepenuh hati. Apa yang tertulis di kertas dan sijil hanyalah bonus. 

Ibu nampak kerisauan Along sewaktu kita dalam penerbangan pulang ke KL, to end an awesome holiday with 'dreaded' news (according to HER own definition is = not getting 5As) would not be something you're looking forward to. Ibu tau Along risau sekiranya keputusan UPSR Along bakal mengecewakan ibu dan babah. My dear, Ibu and Babah will be proud of you no matter what, not scoring 5As doesn't mean we love you less. Strings of As has nothing to do with how much we love you. String of As would mean nothing if you're not happy throughout the journey but we can't deny that string of As will ensure you to a good start, something for you to hold on and convince yourself that you're capable of something. 

Even if you didn't get any As or just a few, this entry will still be up and I will still congratulate you for all the efforts and the most important thing is, Ibu wants to tell you that, Ibu really cherished the moment we spent together in my room which was arranged to be your study area, all comfort and spacious with free-flow of food and drinks Hehe 2 ,3 weeks of 'studying' together had really opened my eyes to see how hard you've tried to make Ibu and Babah proud. Dont' worry dear, we are parents, parents are known to be proud of every single things coming from their kids. We are biased like that. Ibu shared the anxious feeling on exam days when Ibu drove you and send you off to the exam hall, Ibu still remember the hugging that we shared just before you were called into the hall. The tears when you came to salam and mintak ampun. So sedih yet memorable.

Even if you didn't get the chance to study at top schools, it doesn't matter. It's not the end of the world and it's not the measure of success. It's YOU who matters. It's YOU who will shape your own life chart, not school, not 5As not even Ibu and Babah, we can only guide and pave the way.

We [babah, ibu, Adan, Adik] love you so much, love us the way we loved you. Be grateful for what Allah has provided us, put us in comparison with those less fortunate not those beyond reach and you will see how blessed our lives are. 

Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Ya Allah atas semua rezeki yang Engkau berikan kepada kami dalam segala bentuk, semoga kami tidak menjadi orang yang kufur kepada nikmat dan rezeki Mu. Berkatilah hidup anak-anakku NurHanisRaihana, MuhammadHaniffRashdan dan NurHannahRaudah. Amiin. 


Nai @ TPJ said...

Haa... Kan daa nanges haku...! Congrats...

Tukang Campak said...

Haa...kan aku pun tetiba rasa nak nangis bila baca balik. Masa type xde feel sangat.

TQ, doakan Hanis ye

Mrs.NZ said...

Congratulations Hanis!* kakak ini pun Hanis juga taw. :p

Kak Zie,memang wajib contoh ni.Bertuah hanis ada ibu cam kak zie. Nak nangis jugak *sobs..srooot.