Blom sompek omak kau upload entry pasal sekolah baru ekau sudah balik gi sekolah lamo eh...
ha ha
She was in jovial mode on her trial day, 3 jam memang la ok. Still very happy and excited on the 1st morning. My last entry showed how she was beaming like a sunflower. 6pm on the same day, teacher said she cried, very lady-like kinda crying katanya, airmata saje meleleh tanpa bunyi2an, bila di tanya kenapa. Jawabnya 'Kenapa dah malam pun ibu tak datang ambik ?' *tepuk dahi*. It was dark & raining so she assumed it is already night time and ibu yet to pick her up. She had her milk in car and we reached home 7pm++
2nd day, she was happy and promised not to cry. I picked her before 6pm, teacher said she cried earlier (stail nangis masih sama, sopan dan tidak mengganggu orang awam) coz her classmate said 'eh, hari dah malam la'. She denied that she cried. She said 'Hannah tak nangis la, air mata je keluar !!'. oooooook, airmata keluar tak sama dengan nangis. got that. She had some pancakes & biscuits in car, we reached home almost 7.30pm.
The whole weekend she said she's done with yellow school, she wanted to go to back to her red school.*the colors refer to her school uniform*. Asked bibik to prepare both uniforms for Monday. Woke her up on Monday and she said she wanted to go to new school, aiyark adik ni...sib baik ibu dh standby siap2, so ibu just buat pesanan khidmat masyarakat kat cikgu2 dia to give her a chance to be outdoor at least 15min coz that was her main complaint. Picked her at 6.15pm. She did not cry and she's very happy. Rupanya, they had rock climbing session. Patutla la happy sgt. I thot that would help her to make the decision which school she likes most.
Unfortunately, the rock climbing session is not enough to sway her to like the new school 100%. After long discussions [ it's amazing how a 5yo can actually handle a discussion, luv it ] in the car on our way back home, what I can conclude is that, she loves the place merely for the facilities esp. the outdoor one like gym, rock climbing and all but she couldn't accept the fact that she will be confined to her classroom most of the days.
She was raised with routine that was totally different. All her life, 5.30pm is outdoor time even when she was a baby. My maid will make sure she goes out unless it's raining or she's not well. Same goes to my other children. That was also the reason why I was, at first, having 2nd thought about sending her there but the facilities are just superb and the fee is sooo damn cheap op kos I would be tempted to send her there.
The childcare is superb, facilities are amazing and the teachers are compassionate. But no matter how canggih the facilities are you can't stop a girl from feeling unhappy after being confined inside her canggih class for the whole day, especially a girl name NurHannahRaudah...who loves to ride a bike and running while screaming like a mad-lady every single afternoon.
That is not the single reason why we have to pull out but, there are few practical issues which were only revealed once we registered. I'm not the 1st one who pulled my kid out . Other reason ? Can only be explained secara 'live dari konti cik kiah'.
Rewind balik...nilah entry yang sepatutnya dihaplod tapi terbantot dek our pre-mature withdrawal, bantal & selimut dia pun still kat sana. Hehe. Apa cerita yang tak sempat upload ?? Ni dia. My opis punya childcare center utk anak2 dr lepas pantang sampai la 6 tahun. Untuk Hannah kira sekolah + day care la. So maleh nak cerita panjang, tapi kalau jadi korang pun aku rasa terlioq jugak nak hantaq anak pi sana. [Dd, aku rasa tempat ni seshuai sangat ngan Gebus sbb sumer anak2 yg dh biasa duk daycare/nursery sangat happy lappy gumbira di sana]

Tak koser nak berenti tepi jalan snap gambo bangungan itu, so inilah modelnya. Like so humongosourous. The moment Hannah nampak she said ' Macam hotel laaa..' & she so loves hotel. Love la sangat ye dik, 4 hari hmmmph :P
At the lobby while waiting for my staff id card to be configured into the system. This centre security system managed by our security team & all prohibited areas are only accessible to parents & the Centre's staff

Menghadap Admin, membayor segala yuran, collect uniform blabla

Entrance ke kelas Hannah, there are 2 classes for 5yo, each class fit for 14 students

Tanpa berlengah, terus start belajar & muka nervous tahap awan ke-7

Just nice, makan time !! [ muka kena airbrush sbb takut aku t'snap muka anak/cucu jutawan mana2 kang naya plak ]

Sedang beramas-mesra, seating arrangement will be changed on daily basis, you have to find a place where the teacher put your name on [see that small piece of yellow card in front of them]

These are their beds, stacked when not in -use. It's a mesh, not a hard plastic board. All students must bring their own blanket, pillow or whateva teddy bears or dolls.

We left Hannah to survive on her own hahaha [oops ter'evil' jap]. Abang mengetest tempat ambik wudhu' just outside the class.
Indoor rock climbing hoh-mang-gosh. I oso wanna go there...

Next to rock-climbing, herbs garden, siap ngan pondok2 tapi not ready for use yet
This is their hall, for concert and maybe parents meeting a la PIBG ?? hmm maybe...
Abang checking the staircase which was secured & locked. Don't worry bang, ur lil sister will be safe here.
Along was awed [and jealous]

Where Hannah rolled and ran and jumped and did her acrobatic moves. At least she experienced it once before she quits.
Objective gambar ni bukannya budak tudung hijau tapi nak tunjuk location tempat ni dgn opis gue. Opis gue dibelakang bangunan yang dekat kepala budak itew. Yang tinggi & sayup2 tu bangunan SeeAiAmBee sebelah S0g0.
Playground yang buatkan aku tergetik2 nak turun main giant tic-tac-toe + snake & ladder.

Lari turun bawah nak tengok tp pintu kunci & my access card x lepas, only teachers allowed :P
Other places in the centre yang aku tak sempat merayau & snap the real pic, but the concept was displayed during their briefing earlier which I managed to snap with my AiPong. I heard from my colleagues who toured the whole Centre that all were as as real as in display. Ohsem.
[ All concepts & pictures displayed above & below are copyright and trademark of the operator who operates the Centre ]

The lobby (compare with the real thang above) :: play area for them to play jual-jual, main-main etc.

Art gallery :: music /art/drama room

Hannah's classroom (hmm in real exactly like in the pic) :: art & craft room

computer lab :: religious study room
sick bay :: graffiti wall utk kanak-kanak yang suka menyonteng