Sunday 8 August 2010

Beli, beli, beli...dah abih baca ?

Last weekend, hampir2 terlupa..the Co. Booksale is almost nearing its end. Was flip-flopping on whether we should hit one in MV or 1U. Alpha Angle is out of the list due to its pathetic stock of books. In the end we decided that MPH 1U would be the best and we made the right decision... Not too crowded...this would be our final trip to MPH to buy non-school-related books (cayalah sgt, masuk mana2 kedai buku mulalah cair)..

My very FIRST cookbook...believe it

Next, we planned to have a peek at another bookstore which was highly recommended by DD and my boss, somewhere in Amc0rp Mall, so BookXcess here I come. I googled about it and I can tell you for sure that I can't wait to & go borong all those books. BookSale ? Mmmm save for school reference books and edu games. Hahaha tak kenang budi punya staff. Dah tu kalau buku Dan Br0wn leh jadik rm9.90, Sophie'holic' stuffs around rm13 oni, sapa x nak beli kan ? Tambah2 bila DD eksen ngan buku hardcover yg cuma rm19.90 uwaaaaaaaaa...


ikan said...

hahah, bagus... bagus... selain kirai duit di c&k, harus kirai di kedai buku jugak...

lepas ni hang boleh eksen pulak tayang apa diborong di AmcorpMall... many other 'nice' stuffs there.

Tukang Campak said...

ye...kasut dah lunyai buang, buku tetap simpan.

'Nice'? kenapa harus ada konotasi yg menunjukkan ada sesuatu yg best disana ? hmmm harus pirgi.