Thursday 31 May 2012

When my baby is no longer a baby

To others, 27 May 2012 would be just like any other days, just a typical Sunday.

But that day was the day my lovely daughter gave me the mixed feeling between happy, sad, worried, nervous etc. Yeap, I am that kind of mother. Exaggerating is my middle name *wink*. The moment she told me, I was frozen for few seconds and in a state of not knowing what to say or do tho I have been preparing her & myself for that moment. Managed to gather myself after like 5secs and gave her a tight hug & planted few kisses. We then had fun in her bathroom, sharing related jokes and few funny incidences. We were laughing our ass off while trying to fit the 'armour' on her especially when we had to do some 'alignment' as she accidentally flashed her vijayjay to me. Followed by demo (utk kali yg ke berapa ntah but this time it's no longer theory). We came out from the bathroom sweating all over hahaha but def. fun. Hannah was curious and kept asking 'ibu buat apa dgn along ??'. Hehe

Hanis sayang, welcome to womanhood.

Next step: some discussion on what it means, what kind of responsibility she's carrying now that she has entered the phase (Ibu gotta google some info so she will be equipped with info from the Islamic perspective sambil2 refresh knowledge ibu huhu) + yeah the dreaded part..SexEducation.


edrina said...

Congrats Hanis.. Zie.. berat tanggungjawab kiter ni Zie huhu

Tukang Campak said...

Betul tu edd, that phase seems like it's just part of growing up, no big deal stuff to some but it's significant to me & any daughters out there. Aku cuba sedaya upaya to be there for her so gets d message that dia bleh refer to me on anything instead of turning to friends for answers.

eline hamdan said...

oh dear... dah besar dah hanis...

scary menanti saat itu. tapi H&D tu pun terujanya tgk pad. yelah.. bila beli ada yg pjg, pdk, kecik, beso... tanya kenapa mama pakai yg pjg, tak pakai yg kecik... adoyai... penah sekali kantoi diorang bukak n almost trying to put it on their panties...

Tukang Campak said...

Hehe comel h&d, tetiba terimagine depa duk soksek & gelak tgk pad. Aku dh settle satu part tapi nasib baik dh byk kali explain kt dia since std 3, so dia cool jugakla.

Mak yg kiasu ni telah m'beli pelbagai spesis pad supaya dia boleh try yg mana paling best hehe sumer spesis whisper tapi yg pndek pnjg wing regular night hahaha

ikan said...

Kalau aku sure nak pitam hahahaha. Aku dulu mmg learnt from friends sbb kena kat asrama. Girls school slalu dpt free sample. So stock pad banyak. Lucky Hanis got 1st hand info from ibu. Ibu's always the best khenn.
So, dah plan ke theme majlis tunang anak dara hang? Larikkkk

Tukang Campak said...

5 saat pertama tu mmg rasa nak pitam sbb rasa mcm tak caya haha tapi best sbb bleh guide senirik.

Tunang nanti mungkin biru and wedding pepel, Hanis fav kaler, unless kalau dia tukar kaler lain. Hahaha hambik kausukati maknenek jawb...