Sunday 20 November 2011

2 bulan survey, 20 minit dah settle...

Bila :: 19 Nov 2011
Mana :: Kg Baru KL
Apa :: Burung yg terkorban on 1st day of school hols
Siapa :: Aku, suami & anak terunaku

Been asking around. Many version. Many stories. Good. Bad. Scary.

Same question : Cara apa, kat mana & berapa.

Ibu yang fickle-minded ni asik ubah skema jawapan jek bila babah tanya 'Kat mana ?'.

Jap situ. Jap sini. Eh sana balik...

Date dah kompen. Cara dah konpem. Calon dah setuju. Lokasi jek yang asik buat aii neves...

Last Monday gotta make the call as it MUST BE DONE on 19th Nov. By hook or by crook. yeah.. we HAVE TO sembelih my son's 'bird' atau dalam bahasa kamusnya 'berkhatan' atau dalam bahasa kampungnya 'bersunat' on that date and no other dates. So we've decided that Al-IslamSpecialist KgBaru formerly known as KgBaruMedicalCentre (ohamgee, sgt byk kenangan di sana) would be given the honour of transforming my boy into a man. Jom keraaaaaaaaaat....

Weekdays (Mon - Thu) :: RM150 :: by MO in 1 of the clinic downstairs
Weekend (Sat & Sun ) :: RM250 :: by specialist in OT
Method :: Laser & Jahit

We did it on weekend coz cuti is needed for other purposes hehe

Right before he was called into OT. Both ibu & babah was quite 'Huh ??' when told that Adan will not be escorted in by any of us. He looks nervous when he asked why. I told him 'Susah kot, nanti ibu & babah kena tukar2 baju macam doktor tu'. He said ok and cool. He was cool all the way except for a few moment when he knew that we won't be coming in. The rest went uneventful. Amiin.

Babah, lucky you cut the hair after the hospital trip, rambut tebal macam Bangla RemyIshak (tang mana aku pon tak tau, sapa la yang start...)

Right after he came out from OT. Yay......tak sakit kan ? Walopon muka macam menahan... hahaha the nurse gave us the paracetamol as painkiller & the foreskin errr to be buried. No dressing, no ubat for the bird, no need to cuci the wound or anything...walla sikalang manyak sinang woh...

He said the Dr was very nice and keep on talking to him asking about where he stays until all done in below 20minutes, ibu & babah tak sempat khatam baca paper pun.

Paksu datang bagi moral support. TQ Paksu.

Abang ! oii abang, laju weh menonong....rupanya nak terkucil hehe

Now there's 2 men in the house *Pikir jap, nak sedih ke nak happy*

After event report :

  • 1st time pee pee with no issue walopon mcm takut, cuma masa nak basuh mengaduh pedih sebab air kena luka. Sorry sayang, no option. Dia volunteer nak lap sendiri while ibu just pointed out where he missed.

  • Subsequent pee pee, no issue at all and ibu takyah masuk bilik air dah. Just tgk2 to make sure sumer kering kontang.

  • After 1 day, he's on his own and I just need to worry about food. He even removed the 'self-made-shield' (will show u gurls how it looks like, it really helps)

  • In the end, we happily scrapped our plan to send him to nenek's house for 'pantang' as he sorta recovered well & eating well.

Big hug for my brave boy, anak ibu dah besar dah, luv you Adan.


idasm said...

tahniah adan dah masuk alam baru.. hehe.
macam senang sgt method skarang ye..
baru 1 hari dah ok, bagus tul ni...

ikan said...

A big bravo Adan!!!

But Why parents can't see the whole procedure??? WHY?????. Ishhh kalau aku musti insist nak tengok! Ok when it's time for my boy another q will be asked: "parents boleh tgk tak?"

zila said...

yey! dh selamat.. alhamdulillah...
klu aku pun mesti nk tgk jugak... dh la sorang tu jek.. kan zie kan? :p

Tukang Campak said...

Da : TQ sumer sudah selamat, anakku bakal jadi jantan idaman malaya haha

fomfuan : ye, soklan yang sama..whyyyyy?? Aku rasa jawapan dia sbb 1. Lagi melambatkan keadaan sbb makpak nak tukaq baju OT. 2. OT tu share dgn maternity area, maka maternity takes priority. Aku pasrah. Silalah tambah soalan & tunjuk gmbr mummy pakai baju OT hehe

Zila : adakah statement mu itu juga m'bawa maksud 'kalau nak tgk jugak, sila beranak sorang lagi & make sure it's a boy'.