Thursday 17 March 2011

The wedding on 12 March 2011

For the 1st time ever, aku x pegang camera masa event, wedding my sis. Bila check memory card ada la jugak snap2 yg boleh pakai. Dah post pon ke mukabuku. So xde gambo yg elok ye adik2 until the official photographer release his version. Orang itu adalah my own BIL hehe can visit his blog, baru naik 1 gambar, ye itulah dia adikku yang berbaju hijau ****

Perjalanan kali ni sgt perit sbb hujan all the way from KL and byk pit-stop. We left the house on Friday around 4.30am but since my BIL + PIL x siap lagi kami proceed and pit-stop kat Temerloh R&R utk solat & hubby pejam mata sekejap. End-up 7.30am baru depa sampai and we proceed to next destiny. My biras hometown, Kuantan, to drop her there since she's not fit to travel (tgh tunggu hari sgt dah). We left her house around 10.30am and zoomed to the next stop, KualaBerang for lunch & Fri prayer break. 2.30pm left the town and headed straight to check-in@AgroResort so that they can take a break. We had another 15km to reach my parents' house.

Sblm tu aku dh call perantin tanya amende lagi yg x siap, they said all in order, all ok. So mak balik, hati senang nyah. Until I saw...all hantaran yet to finish (sirih junjung pun lom buat!!), dah la kitorang prepare for both sides, theirs need to be handed over malam tu jugak. Goodies bag lom isi. Bilik pengantin belum buat, pulut semangat xde lagi. bunga manggar konpem la xde. Aku dah start bernapas mcm org dalam labor dah..fuh fuh fuh. It's oredi 5pm and the wedding is TOMORROW !! Akad nikah 9AM!!

My BIL requested nk makan sotong celup tepung, so hubby nak kena bawak and I had no choice but to follow. Dalam hati dah start planning mana nak terkam dulu bila balik nanti. Dalam kalut kami sampai tempat sotong pukul 6.30pm and turun je kete my BIL flashed his BB to show about the tsunami warning. Alert = tsunami will hit east coast beaches at 6.30pm, there I was standing like few hundred metres away from the scary beach (yeap, the beach looks pretty unusual that day, even b4 we know about the alert, we talked about the rough sea and strong winds in the car). Hilang selera nak bersotong, ber-ikan celup tepung aih..we tapau-ed everything and rushed out of the area. I even called Dd to check the alert to which she confirmed that it was already cancelled. Cancel or not, we can't take the risk with 3 small children and 1 yet to be born.

Balik dari pantai, aku terus dive into all the stuffs and finished the thing around 4am. Dengan x mandi, x makan, still pakai baju travel tu, melekit belengaih sumer cukup (masuk tandas tukar pad jek). Mak rasa nak pengsan sungguh...and nak marah pun ada bila org kejut pagi esoknya hahaha bangun, kesat taik mata, tengok kat luar..sudirman terus nyanyi 'hujan yang turun bagaikan mutiara...'

Hujan turun mencurah-curah 2 hari sebelum kenduri and it lashed on our khemah and everything for the whole day only to stop the next morning. Sunshine with no sign of dark cloud at all. Kesian pengantin terpaksa kensel sesi outdoor.

Tapi kesian lagi family pengantin (moi & soami + adik bradik moi) yg dah singsing kain, lipat seluar segala bagai. Ulang-alik tambah lauk & ambik goodies, mmg konpem lencun tapi tetap menten bergaya bersama selipar jepun masing2. Maka x sempat lah aku nak bergaya dengan hi-heels kelabu ku yang seksay itu.

BTW, I lost my wedding + engagement rings and till now the news has yet to hit me real hard as deep inside I can feel that I will get it back. Time will tell...I pray and pray and pray. I saw it few times in my dream and I can feel that my prayers were answered, just a matter of time for me to get it back.

This entry is suppose to be about a wedding and a wedding should be merry and happy. But reading all those stories above, one mat think that it's all chaos. It's not. Those are all behind the scene from a wedding planner. What others can see are all cheerful wedding as wedding should be. So hop on to the wedding album on my FB to see how it went.

Alhamdulillah, sorang lagi lepaih, 4 more to go huhu

Alang2 citer pasal wedding, pengantin tuo pun nk raso duk atas pelamin. Maklumla tak merasa dulu2 hehe sihat segar bugar pengantin pompuan kek bawah ni yo, sampai pengantin lelaki buek muko. Ekau malu yo bang ?? Iyolah, nanti den cubolah jadi mcm awek lamo ekau jaman 90-an..

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