Mana : : Krab1,
Bila : : 18 - 21 Nov 2010
Siapa : : Berdua2an
Our trip started from kampung. On 2nd Raya Haji, my bro & mum sent us with 2 backpack to KT airport (the viewdeck was closed for viewing, new airport suda kaputkah ?). 1 thing we tried to avoid happened, Hannah & Adan followed us there. Aiyooo making it so hard to board the plane. Mula2 naik asik pandang bawah jek..

We landed at LCCTee almost the same time my mom sampai rumah. So fast gitu. We had long break there, hubby grabbed some breakfast and I got myself a huge sandwich from setar*buck for lunch. I didn't order any in-flight meal, hubby did so he just watched me gobbling down the yummy food.
Dont know due to what reason but we almost missed the flight. Huhu We passed thru the security when it's supposed to be boarding time. Fuhh...imagine us running thru all the way, thankGod there's autogate and we're done in seconds. We had about 5min before leaving the terminal. Good weather until we got closer, air turbulance...quite bad I would say, coz the plane was shaking a few times and seatbelt light was always on.
We safely landed in KBV, immediately took our transport to AoNang. Sila lihat bas di blakang incik Hazman, ala2 bas HBR Changlun-Sintok. Nasib kami kureng baik, masa menunggu, no aircond, bapak gila panasss... ketiak ku menangis

But then, all cured bila dapat sambutan manja cik gajah kat bilik. Gila manja towel ni pose, sayang rasa nak bukak. Kang ada aku mintak towel ekstra...namanya hotel Aonang G0odwill.

Sampai dah agak petang hari, pastu baru merayap and 1st thing we did was catching the sunset. It's a must. Since Thai is -1hr from KL, you have to be there around 6pm. Lucky we did it coz we didn't have another nice sunset view for the next few days.

Some shots taken that day. From Aonang beachfront. Takyah berebut spot sbb mmg sepanjang beachfront tu seshuai untuk pacak tripod masing2. Kalau pegi monsson season bersedia dgn raincoat sbb weather can change in a matter of seconds.

After sunset, hungry lash wei...hunted for the best thai food but our choices quite limited coz there's not so many good restaurant which are halal. Abundant of warung tho. Everyone said go find stalls in front of McD but we found NONE (2nd day baru perasan, seml m tu Raya ke-2, cuti maa) So just try your luck. Sebelum balik cari pakej for next day. Kalau malas suruh je hotel book. Decided not to do KohPhiPhi tour coz it seems like 'tiring'. You need fresh mood & body for honeymoon, if you know what I mean..4IslandTour (Poda, Tup, Chicken Islands + PhraNang) seems the best
The operator will pickup from hotel to waiting area = Aonang beachfront. Senang citer, everything happens at aonang beachfront. Here our boatmate Q-ing for our long-tail boat. Silalah bawak makanan ringan sendiri kerana bila dah main air, agak kebulur jugak nak tggu lunch. Mineral water provided
Why Krabi / Phuket attracted so many people ? They have a lot of these...small islands...pulau batu kapur yang berceracak sana sini with unique features. We do not have it here except in L'kawi.
Me posing while the boat stopped for more penompang at Railey Beach (another spot in Krabi apart from Aonang). for hustlebustle & nitelife = Aonang, for quite nite=Railey (pick westside for sunsetview)
Klu pegi jln berdua, susah yg amat nk bergambor. Malu la plak asik nak suruh org snap ekekeke aii nak pose ala selebriti pun x jadi tauu. End up ambik typical pose yg ala2 artis time depa buat keje x senonoh tapi x nak ngaku gambar sendiri. Hasilnya : berlambak shots yg nampak lengan sendiri bersama muka sendiri tapi saiz XXL.
Hensem boy with the boatman, Bik. Going to Koh Poda. Sila maklum, koh = fulau ye..
O H - M Y - G O D - S P E C T A C U L A R - A W E S O M E - V I E W
Mengabadikan selipar tulang ikan ku yg baru dibeli di bazar aonang :) tiba2 tingat kat cik ikan
Xtvt di sana ? Tido dalam pondok buloh (yang di charge 100B dang tourist trap) karna tiada perasaan mau mandi, sila lihat gambar atas...pulau & air superb tapiii pasirnya tidaklah ala2 white sandy beach...byk kotoran sama ranting pokok bagai. Sebab kami penah pegi beach yang nicer, maka rasa hilang semangat nak mandi disitu walopon mat saleh berebut2 nak jadik udang bakar di tepian pantai itu...
Next ? Snorkeling before the next islands. Hubby turun ambik syarat tapi apalah maknanya snorkeling untuk seorang diver kan? Eh..sape yang ambik gambar ni ? Dia tak turun snorkel sama ke ?
See, caya tak when I said pepasiran dia tak lawa. We stopped for lunch kat 3 small islands yg bercantum by beting pasir. When the water recedes around noon, all 3 are accessible on foot. Menu lunch = green chicken curry, telur dadar. Aku duduk & makan di atas tanah yang macam kat kampung, bukan pulau. Pasir kat sini much better than earlier, agak halus..bersih.
Awan itu memang begitu, bukan menggunakan sebarang tektik fotografi yg canggih manggih. Disclaimer : Awek bikini pink bukan aku
While waiting for the boat to leave, lepak di bawah teduhan pohon nan rimbun. nampak tak manusia berderet macam semuat di hujung sana..yee mereka sedang meng'cross' pulau ke pulau. Satu ke kiri, satu ke kanan. Yang kanan dah terang2 leh nampak beting timbul.
Rupanya pulau yang boleh cross tadi, klu kita pusing dgn bot..kat situ la ChickenIsland nye. Why Chicken ? Macam kapla ayam (more like turkey to me). Masa ni aku mcm dh x minat nak ambik gambar dah walopon ni salah 1 highlights of the package sbbnya mata aku dah focus katBik yang tgh potong al-nanasi yg very juicy...fresh fruits served on boat...nenas disana = must try hehe
Btw, on our way to the last stop, kitorang dh x larat duk dlm boat., pening + limited view nak snap gambar. Dengan brutalnya panjat bumbung boat. Berdua2an di atas bumbung itu adalah nikmat...masa ni patut pakai bikini, pastu rambut panjang gerbang2, pakai spek gucc1..wakaka terverangan hot babe la plak..
Last stop, PhraNangBay...some passengers opted to stay here for the sunset. So they have to pay another long-tail boat to return to AoNang. Here hubby pose dibawah stalaktaitmait segala.
Believe your eyes, this is another highlights of the package...some ritual dewadewi place kononnya got to do with fertility. Yang dah kawen sure dh dpt tangkap what all those batangs are...opps did i say batang ? Sorry, it's just a stick...j0ystick :P
Just when we were about to leave, our boatman called everyone to board as we have to race to the mainland. The weather suddenly changed from blue sky into this. Nasib la geng2 yg konon nak tunggu sunset tadi. Quite scary coz it came with lashing winds which created higher waves. We hit the shore in time when it started to drizzle. We have our waterproof pack (spot the yellow pack from few pix) to secure our stuffs (Must buy item, 10ltr pack for 320B, kat KL 5ltr selling more than rm70, same brand)

Itu sahaja acara siang, malamnya browsing the bazaar for souvenirs and stuffs. Not buying too much coz we have 2 more days to go. After the experience with island hopping we decided not to proceed with PhiPhi altogether. So day 3 : We rented a motorbike to venture around. Disini saya telah memaksa si dia pose kerana nak tunjukkan the sea & island in the morning. Tempat ni namanya NopparatTharaBeach. Worth going ? Mmm another NOPE, I would say but if you want to feel how it's like walking on a seabed then do come here later of the day when the water recedes.
Maka merempitlah kami ke sana kemari. Konon2 mencari monument tsunami hingga terjebak berpuluh2 km tapi patah balik sbb tempat yg nak pegi mcm x kunjung tiba. Signboard sana cuma ada arah sahaja takde berapa km nak bajet sampai ke destinasi. Kat sini memang muslim community ramai, kat bawah ni gambar pondok agama sebelah masjid, true sense of pondok
Klu tak kerana satelit dish yang terpacak sana sini, aku rasa macam kat Kelantan & Kedah daaa..makcik2 berkain batik bertudung bawal pakcik2 berserban putih berkain pelikat. Ada skalik kami nak mkn ketam goreng, duk sokseksoksek 'agak2 dia panaskan ke tak blabla'..tiba2 adik tu tanya, 'orang kedah ka?' Kehkehkeh, ghopanya depa duk L'kawi 15tahun, slang Kedah habihla, teruih makan disitu dgn konfidennya
Pasar malam kat area situ pun macam pasar malam kampung aku dulu2. Bleh beli food & makan dgn konfidennya. Lupa plak hari apa tapi few times a week la. Tapi bila adik kedai tu habaq kata takdak apa sgt pon kak, barang dapoq, makanan..lecak plak tu klu ujan. Hehe terus kensel...klu Dd mat saleh suka la kan nak tgk culture tapi aku gave it a passlah.
Mosques yg tersergam menyambut kedatangan korang di pekan AoNang, tak siap lg sbb it is built from donation. Aku sedikit hangin kat sana sbb rasa susah sgt nak ambik shot dicelah bedah wayar letrik yg berselirat sana sini. Kacau angle betulla..
Fenat & fanas sbb sampai sudah tak jumpa itu tsunami monument, kami patah balik ke AoNang dan bersedia untuk menjejak GastropodFossil. Sgt excited mengisi petrol kerana berdasarkan peta kelihatannya sedikit jauh. Lihat contoh signboard yg hanya tunjuk ' Sini ye cik....' or 'Sana ye bang..' tapi x mo bgtau how far would it be, kan dah membazir isi minyak lebih2 , x sampai 15min dh sampai pastu takde tempat sgt nak merayap nak ngabihkan minyak.

Disebabkan dah rempit ke sana sampai jatuh helmet kura2 pinkku ditengah jalan, we had no choice but to pay 200B/person to see this batu bata merekah !!
100% tourist trap unless you're geologist wannabe. At first we thought it's worth it coz there are stalls selling pearls and shell-crafts next to it until we found out that it's accessible without paying dang dang dang. 1 thing i loike, they captured & framed our pic taken at the entrance. Just like island hopping L'kawi or MakamMahsuri. Yang local tu ditepek on cheap white plastic plate while this one a nice solid wood frame goes at 120B.
When the water recedes, u can see a rock formation like kolam or ladam kuda. far far away at the back are the islands that we visited day before. Can see kepala ayam terjongos disitu.
Nilah dia motor kami nan cute, rented at 150B/day (operator will keep ur passport). Mulanya nak ambik yg pink super cute honda tapi kesian la cik abang macho ni hehe. Motor baru gila, meter = 0 km.
Merayap balik ke pekan Aonang, menyusuri pantai sebelah kiri pulak, nice resorts and spas. During off-peak season sure murah, I mean the hotels facing the sea. The spa & massage always cheap as low as 200B sahaja untuk 1hr punya massage. Klu verani sila ambik yg open view, ada langsir putih nipis ala dlm brochure, dimana semua org boleh melihat anda dilipat & diluku oleh masseur yg berunipom.
Nampak tak signboard Evacuation Route kat bawah ni, it's everywhere. I'm sure the world still remember the tsunami tragedy that hit Phuhet & Krabi very badly. They learned the lesson. They now have warning tower which will be activated to warn the people that there's a possibility of tsunami. Hotel kami safe route, bukan dalam laluan kejam si tsunami. Nanti dlm next entry ku tunjuk dimana tempatnya

It started to rain so we had to rush back to our hotel (alasan sebenarnya). Sebelum hari gelap, kami merempit lagi ke Nopparat sbb nak experience this

Walking on a seabed...all the way to the island shown in my earlier picture. About few hundred metres ahead. The beach is on the left side of this pic (below).

On our way back, I stumbled upon the tsunami monument which we failed to locate earlier. We passed thru it so many times without realising it's there. Behind the bushes, unkept, vandalised and abandoned. No more monument so don't go looking for it. The creator died recently. I'm a bit sad, but to locals , no used crying over sad episode. They're not very keen on the monument which was originally planned for PhiPhi.

The last sunset shot that I managed to get, as I said not a good weather, awan tebal mendung pasti mengecewakan kaki menembak. Right after this shot..hujaaann yg turun bagaikan mutiara...jadi 'terpaksa' lah aku pegi shopping lagi. Haha terpaksanyaaaaa
How it looks at night, the road leading to the beach. Full with restaurant, bar, roadside halal stalls and many more...this one was shot in front of McD, the best spot to hunt for halal delicious food. Wajib : Pancake and fruitshake. Tips: Test & trial. We only found the best tom yum gung and fruitshake on our last nite..cheh nyesal tak pick the stalls earlier..
Sebelum balik bilik beli tiket bas ke airport from travel kiosk. Balik bilik packing packing packing.
So no PhiPhi, no Koh Lanta, no Emerald Pool, no elephant riding, no kayaking, no Tiger Temple no Made in Krabi baby for us this time around.
Till then, KhapKhunKha/p Krabi...we may venture there again, with kids in tow and Railey would be the best bet.