Tibalah hari di mana ibu penuh nervous bawak anak terunanya melalui 1 lagi episod mari-lepak-di-ampang-puteri. CT Scan. Malam before tu dia cool je bila tengok gambar cemana rope mesin ctscan neh, ibunya pun cool jugak. Menten.
Pagi2 sudah beratur di unit radiologi, perut lapar tapi harus scan dulu pastu baru sapedek. Both of us were still cool. Menten.
"MuhammadHaniffRashdan" awek radiologi panggil, bangun pegang tangan bersama-sama masuk dalam, duduk di sofa tengok gambar2 scan. Snap. Pose. Cool Menten.
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I am cool in my fav Ben10 |
Awek radiologi datang dengan kertas, cerita ceriti pasal prosedur and dropped the bomb !! "Kita kena masukkan contrast utk memudahkan reading, antara side effect dia mungkin allergic macam gatal2..blablabla....sign sini ye kak". I read and I signed. Tak cool but menten.
As we entered the room, the boy can see the biiiiiig syringe prepared & how much liquid would be inserted into his body. From thereon, it's no longer cool and my heart sank seeing his pale face and his look as if saying "Ibu, can we not do this ?" *Ayaq mata*. Not cool. Ibu can't menten oredi.
His wrist was strapped to make it easier to spot the vein yang nak kena poke tuh, but I can see it's too tight cos the buckle was biting and sunk into his skin. Very very not cool cos the guy duk concentrate cari vein while my boy seething in pain because his skin is bitten by the buckle menatang yg strap the wrist. I know it's too tight sebab mak pun penah masuk spital nyah. Sejuk tangan & putih kuku anak teruna mak darah x ngalir. Vein dah timbul macam anaconda mengawan dalam paya lagi duk belek2, tunggu apa lagi bro...
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Ni post event dah, yg pre tak sempat sbb memoriku in denial *hilang ingatan* :P |
Tidak kiddo-friendly ini orang sbb keep on saying jangan gerak nanti keluar darah, 1x, 2x, 3x dan lagi dan lagi. Sib baik Adan tak cakap 'I no stupid...' hehe. Tak cool.
"Akak tak preknen kan ?" Soklan yang tulus lagi jujur tapi kedengaran seperti ada yang tak kena, mak check perut buncit mak, oh mungkin sebab itu tapi mungkin juga itu soalan wajib bila berurusan dengan radiasi. *Tarik napas tahan seperti iklan terimakasseh tummytrim*. Hmm ok apa. So, mak anggap soalan itu soalan wajib tiada kaitan dengan penampilan. Sekian. Cool.
Scan hanya berapa saat tapi traumanya sampai sekarang terbayang esp. bila Adan pegang tangan kuat2 and said "Sejuk ibu...", he was shaking & trembling throughout the session and I was trying my best holding my tears & biting my lips so he can't see me melted and he can be brave. Adan cool, ibu tak cool 10x.
He is brave indeed and a cool little guy as he was back to his happy self right almost immediately especially after his regular cup of hot chocolate @ R1tazzaCafe.
Next, the coolest of all >> DrAminuddin said, based on the scan, his sinusitis & allergies can be controlled via medication. All 4 chambers are clear. No surgery needed. Yayyyy. That's really cool Doc.
Only to be given not so cool news >> He need to be referred to Pediatric again as his chest was making not so good sounds. So off we go to DrNasir.
The trip ended with us totting 2 big plastic bags as is we just came out from grocer. Finish all those and come back to see DrNasir in 2 weeks time, Dr Amin in 2 mths time. Whateva it takes, my boy is still the coolest. Hahaha mak over ke nyah ?
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Kau ada ? 15ml sekali teguk ada, 10ml pun ada, pill pun ada, spray tidak ketinggalan. |
*Masih confius dengan explanation awek radiologi yang mengatakan bila contrast injected, badan akan rasa panas, but Adan said he felt very very cold that is why his body was shaking throughout
*Quite a traumatic 15-min session for both of us. So CTScan is not a straightforward kinda procedure as I've expected even after tanya enGugel beforehand