I chuckled upon reading the MalayMail news headline yesterday.
Reminds me of how people (read: org kg gue) looked down on me upon knowing that I was studying @ YouYouAm instead of that 'Prestigious One'
'Oh...blaja di UUM jah, ingat ko UM'
'bulih cari kijo ko lepah abih blaja kekgi ?'
Being polite to the elders, I just kept quiet. No use trying to explain or convince them coz now the whole kampung knows that I, who graduated from universiti-takde-nama-or-ranking is now a 'PEGAWAI BankNegara' *jgn riak, bley?* while yang kecoh2 gah tak hengat time masuk universiti-paling-kellas-kau-maria end up ada yg jd jaga bank or paksarela mtk jd cikgu sbb x dpt keje lain, dan2 tu jugak declare mmg cita2 nk jd cikgu hahahambikkau...Udah tu ambik degree xde nilai komersil, pastu grad pointer sipi2 tp nak memilih keje sbb verangan ko grad from blabla boleh blah la lu. [opps tetiba mode syaiton]
Sekian bebelan di Hari Wilayah
Yang Benar, Gadis Grad U Cokia
*notakakikembang: post ini tidak b'niat merendah2kan kerjaya yg disebut di atas tetapi berdasarkan kejadian benar dan parents mereka telah mendera 'emosi' parents aku sekian lama dengan p'tanyaan yg aku rasa blh jwb dgn pelempang. These peeps became the 'unwilling' teachers and still talking and complaining about how they shouldnt be one coz they're UM-Graduates. While the guard said he got better pay compared to office job. Funny but true.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
Have a nice break peeps
To all my friends who's going back to kampung. Have a safe journey. Don't rush as we have 4 days to enjoy.
Don't worry, I will jaga KL on your behalf.
Enjoy the whole stretch of holidays coz afterwards, no more cuti free until later..much much later.
My plan ? Hmmm kemas rumah, kemas bilik, or piknik kt janda baik maybe...kalau cukup alat, pacak khemah camping pun syiok.
We'll see, till then have a nice long extended weekend peeps.
Don't worry, I will jaga KL on your behalf.
Enjoy the whole stretch of holidays coz afterwards, no more cuti free until later..much much later.
My plan ? Hmmm kemas rumah, kemas bilik, or piknik kt janda baik maybe...kalau cukup alat, pacak khemah camping pun syiok.
We'll see, till then have a nice long extended weekend peeps.
Jalan-Jalan Indonesia 2011 - Siri 2
Bila : : 5 - 10 Dec 2011
Okeh, dah habis membebel pasal pre-trip now it's the day.
Next, teruskan perjalanan yang maha jauh sampai aku tido beberapa round haha. Singgah few minutes tengok sawah padi bertingkat kat Saranam Resort.

Mana : : Bali + Bandoeng + Djakarta
Siapa : : Mi familia
Okeh, dah habis membebel pasal pre-trip now it's the day.
Kalau aku buat banyak-banyak siri, chances are...mmg x siap. So decided to do entry bercerita secara marathon. tigaempathari-in-1 gituh... sumer kejadian masuk segedebuk dalam 1 entry.
Gambau manyak sudah uplod di mukabuku maka yang di sini hanyalah highlight & juga yang belum dimuatnaik di sinun.
So, anak-anakku. Inilah cerita kita bersukaria (+ duka bila kena haipp ) di bulan Disember 2011
DAY 1 - 5 DEC 2011
Acara bermula di pagi hari sebaik sahaja kami 'deliver' bibik ke rumah MIL, sudah peluk2 cium segala, my FIL dropped us at LRT Tmn Melati. Empty coach brought us to KLSentral where we then met my SIL, she lend us her compact camera & kissed her anak sedare goodbye. Checked-in our luggage - my typical modus operandi - 1 large luggage with 1 medium + 1 sports bag inside :P.
Took the ERL to KLIA & lepak since we were a bit early. Sesambil jalan kat situ, we bought new travel gadget, Energizer external battery since my Ipong selalu kong during crucial time. I luv it coz it came in hard case with car-charger got many many kepala to fit many many species of gadget inc. BiriBiri & netbook (not that I have 1 but hmm maybe *wink*).
Bohsan nak tggu boarding - Acara ukur kaki ibu & along errkk |
The usual family seating, lucky nobody seated next to hubby |
As planned, lite b'fast so they wallop the delicio briyani on board |
Flight as scheduled and we reached Bali, completed all immigration & customs stuffs by 4++. Bought taxi coupon from the counter (from arrival hall, turn right, it's in between other counters), it depends on how far your hotel is, mine was IDR55k/taxi. Since kitorang yang carik pasal duk Kuta, we had to endure the slow-mo traffic all the way to KutaBeach. Our hotel was a bit hidden but betul2 opposite the beach, walking distance (tapi berpeluh jugak ketiakku) to KutaSquare where there's HardRockCafe & HardRock Hotel.
The Little Things That Hannah Needs |
My first take on Kuta ? Hmm not to my liking coz it's too crowded and to western-ize that you don't feel like being in Bali. So, next time I'll just trust the online review on where to and where not to stay hahaha. My plan was to do Jimbaran right away but our body decided to malas2-an in hotel. We left the room at 7pm to find dinner. Since our supir will only start the next day, we used hotel shuttle to bring us to KutaSquare. After 3 kali sa'i ke hulu ke hilir, I called my supir to ask where the hell is resto nasi padang nearby. We found one and Hanis is now added into Nasi Padang fan base hehe. Perut dah kenyang, round2 beli selipar jepun tajuk Ipanema sbb itu jek yg ada (dalam hati nyesal x bwk slipa seplohengget) & t-shirt HRC kiriman org. To Dd & Eline, look at the bag which Hannah carried. ingatkah lagi saat2 memilih kasut LV yang kiut miut di Jakarta ? She pulled my hand into THE shop and insisted on getting the accessories like necklace, bangles etc. I only realised that it's the same shop when the cashier took out the paper bag. She too loves The Little Things She Needs..hoho so mini me.
From HRC, Hannah wanted to ride the horse (carriage), they said 100k from there to hotel to which we agreed and only to find out from our supir that we were cheated coz for 60k you can actually ride the whole Kuta in circle !! Damn, I hate it when I got cheated juz becoz I failed to google. Mak benciss tau nyahhss. Oleh kerana ramai & isipadu yang padat atas kereta kuda yang macam dh nak terjongket tu, aku volunteer turun beli air mineral & walk back to hotel sambil dalam hati menyumpah apsal la aku volunteer nak turun sbb lepas 100m tgn mcm nk putus. Done with Day 1.
DAY 2 - 6 DEC 2011
Pagi2 sudah frustasi kerana supirku Yanto msj bgtau abang dia akan replace, Abg Ali. Kenapa frustasi ? Karna sudah janji mau di foto sama Yanto, itu Mas Yanto ada DSLR gituh. Beli SLR pastu malas nak carry maka bayar je 200k utk 3 hari kat sana nanti dpt CD or just bagi dia memory card. Last2 nan hado. Kalau aku tau awal2 aku beli CanonIXUS yang baru tuh sbb compact lama dah nak kojol, gambar mcm hape dah. Jalan tetap jalan, maka acara bermula dari Tanah Lot. Singgah kejap jek sebab humangaii fanas merecik2 peluh aku dengan angin laut yang kering. But the view fuhh cantiik. Tiba2 teringat kat someone yang kata going to Bali is like worshiping Hinduism. Hmm quite a statement to me coz we were there not for the temples or whateva goddess but merely for the nice view which happen to be associated with temples (and temple is merely a building to us, like what masjid is to non-muslim). I think it's each to their own, kan ?
Next, teruskan perjalanan yang maha jauh sampai aku tido beberapa round haha. Singgah few minutes tengok sawah padi bertingkat kat Saranam Resort.
Siriyes lawa sawah padi dia tp sbb budak gumuks enterprem, kureng nmpk sket |
Sejuuuk dan nyamaan jek suasana |
Menggunakan alasan hari hujan, aku skip Pasar Candi Kuning, lagipun most gerai bertutup dgn plastik. Harus makan dulu di resto sebelah Masjid Al Hidayah, solat terus kat resto, menggigil nak ambik wudhu air dari gunung berkabus grrrgrrr. Selepas itu baru maju ke Beratan Lake in Bedugul where Ulun Danu Temple is sitting nicely in the lake. Sangat sejuk sbb hari hujan, hujan lagi. Sewa payung wanewani for 5k each. Langit mendung berkabus. Adan menggigil. Hannah pun sama. Ibu mmg saja2 tak bawak jaket sebab sekejap jek sejuknya. Takde harapan nak pose ala2 UjiRasid & HailAmir di taman munge sbb basah lencun singsing seluar bagai.
Done with tasik masik kabus semua, perut pun sudah kenyang, terus balik ke pekan. Dalam hati masih mau Jimbaran apakan daya terbabas sewaktu membeli belah di Krisna. Tetap ke Jimbaran jua walaupun sunsetnya sangatlah sipi2. Again dalam kalut mencari gerai seperti cik Ikan rekomen + the feeling that I dowanna miss the sunset, we opted for 1 resto, the moment I entered and saw the stage, I knew it, we got it wrong again this time. Duduk jelah and from afar we can see another stretch of jimbaran on the cheap side. Not to spoil the moment especially when everybody is hungry, we just laugh and I wished I googled more hahaha. Our dinner was about 700k for 2 big fish, 10ekor udang besau, crunchy sotong and all drinks. Not so badlah (coz he's paying, cuba kalau aku yang kena hahaha), but then still within our budget for F&B.
Balik bilik perut gendut, bagi Abg Ali baju2 yang nak di laundry. Sebelum pitam, maknye kemas2 beg sumbat segala subiner dan mula memberanakkan beg. Pastu sambung google utk esok hari pulak huiii nervous I tau main google last minit neh.
DAY 3 - 7 DEC 2011
Arini Yanto sudah mari, rupa2nya dia balik kg nun jauh 9 jam perjalanan sebab nak uruskan majlis kahwin dia (ala2 nak dptkan surat akuan bujang or nikah luar kwsn klu kt M'sia). Tapi DSLR nan ado jugek sbb lens suda pecah kena ragut sama monyet jahat di monkey forest. Menangis nak saving balik beli lense. Uwaaaaa takpelah Yanto, ko pakai lah kamera kitorang neh yang penting ada gambo family.
Tak paham apakes Krisna boh nombor didada dibahu segala tp x guna |
Agenda ? Ke Kintamani. Tapi on the way tu banyak nau detour-nya. Mula2 g Ubud.Art.Gallery (bukan satu tapi banyaaak). wah wah wah ahkak sudah terer, takkan tertipoo lagi. Barangkali aku bukan manusia seni yang menghargai penat lelah artis2 di galeri. Aku lebih menghargai berapa keping painting aku dapat dengan uang sebanyak ini. Selepas berpeluh2 menawar tak dapat, terus ke Pasar Sukawati di mana aku sangat Sukahati. For the price of 1 Ubud painting, we managed to get 7 in many sizes. I am sure quality wise definitely different but it's almost an exact replica. Harga bukak dia adalah sangat SukaHatiMakNenekKau tapi what we did was...we already went to Krisna day before to get the average price for certain sizes of painting so we know how much to bargain, it's 60 - 70% from original price, the more you buy the more discount you'll get so try to find shop where you can get all your desired paintings. Sebab dah lambat nak ke Kintamani (kes dok merayu harga kat galeri la..) aku terus masuk kedai yang depan2 skali, not bad coz kalau aku pusing2 pun penat gak sebab dalam pasar tu aje dia ada 7 lagi kedai owned by the same owner. So aku just cakap nak paintings cenggitu cenggini, laju je diorg g carik. Hikhik. Kejadian chomel : Aku tengah bargain painting besau 4ft x 4ft, bila dpt price yg aku nak, sorang mamat local yg tgh cari frame dewa gajah ckp ala2 bisik kenapa jual murah sgt, itukan org m'sia jual la mahal2, agak lan**u statement mamat tak hensem tu, tapi kechomelan terserlah bila awek kedai jawab, daripada tergantung kat situ baik jual. Kesimpulan dia, mamat tu mesti peminat fanatik bola ataupun painting tu sebenarnya takde org nak beli so baik dia jual cepat2 kat aku.
zup zup laju singgah Tegallalang yang padinya macam lalang tapi sudah dituai la pulak. So agak hudus melihat sawah gonjeng. Terpandang 1 tablecloth kait yang sgt cun, tanya harga wah "1.5mil !! Harga bisa kurang lagi buk". Pale otok mung la kaing lapik meja sappa 5 ratuh hengget. Snap Snap Pose Pose Zup Zup lagi. On the way ke atas Yanto detour masuk 1 kampung yg unik. Kg Bangau namanya. Pusing-pusing mcm xde pape, elok je masuk border kampung tu..tu dia aihh, penuh bangau sekelian alam. Kalau kat pokok tuh nampak macam pokok kekabu. Elok je abih border kampung memang sekor bangau pun takde. Bangau oh bangau...
Bangau sepah2...malas nak rotate sbb dah upload haha |
Sepanjang jalan naik ke Kintamani, oh nak termuntah aku pandang kiri kanan, juling atas bawah sebab penuh dgn kedai souvenir yang aku tau cekik darah tapi memang lawa weh mangkuk kayu segala bagai. Pitam. Mau beli kak ? Ga apa2 Yanto, liat2 aja. Luggage udah penuh gimana mau bawa pulang *bohong sunat*
Kintamani got us fixated on its majestic view of Mount and Lake Batur and side view of Mount Agung (Sure Mt Fuji & NZ lagi mesmerisingkan? *hint*). Volcano on 1 side, lake on the other. Dark clouds spoiled the view but we got lucky as it moved away for a while only to come back hiding the mountain from us. Adan was elated and over excited. Here is where I almost lost my temper to the sellers who were 'rough' and 'very pushy'. Tak dapat emak, dipaksanya anak, siap ambik tangan anak aku & letak barang secara paksa. I went blue in the face trying to get them away from Hanis & Adan. It was terrifying for Hanis, she was trembling and her hand went cold. Yanto came to the rescue and they left us alone. So sambung gembira2 ambik gambar. We did not go up to the resto area as we had decided to have our lunch on the way down. There's halal restaurant up there selling buffet lunch. Stopped for lunch at another Padang resto, solat terus (most Muslim resto provide prayer room).
Mount Batur dr kejauhan, there's a whitecloth surrounding the mountain which was manually done for upacara, took them 2 days to complete :0 |
As I said, this is the trip where I researched less dengan harapan internet membantu, Aku verangan nak ke Uluwatu tapi telah dipotong-steam dgn statement Yanto, tak sempat aka impossible sbb dah pkl 3. He said why not we go for sunset at Seminyak. So Seminyak it is. I love the sunset, gojes but the beach ? Thumbs down, cantik lagi pantai Penarik dekat kampung aku. It's dirty so aku macam keheranan tengok manusia begitu gumbira mandi manda ewww.
Sangat ewww, mcm habuk2 kayu tapi ada hannah kesah ? |
Kaki hitam aduuh..kaki hitam...byk volcano maa |
Left the beach which magnificient sunset shots on our cheapo camera, headed to kedai mr dobi to pick our laundry and made last stop to resto Wong Solo to tapau our dinner. All famished and settled for bed earlier. Ibu & babah gave up on fighting for our shared wi-fi, when he logged in I will be kicked out, I logged in he went to sleep hahaha
Pantai Kuta..kek mano yg biutifoolnya... |
Our last day in Bali, kanak-kanak request mau jenguk (tapi dh siap pakai swimsuit) pantai Kuta di pagi hari yg masih buta. Okaylah granted. But Hanis decided to continue her deep slumber. So we left for another dirty beach for morning walk. Just 1/2an hour there. Ibu focus on packing sambil jeling2 2 rolls of paintings yg x leh masuk beg. We had long breakfast and the kids were already in their swimming gear. Time for swimming pool....yahooo...this time mcm rilex sikit tugas supervisor sbb Hanis can be considered a 'swimmer' while Adan wlopon gayat2 lagi tapi dah ok. Hannah yg nk kena monitor lebih sbb dia perasan dia swimmer sbb konon dah pegi kelas 1x last week !! Dah puas mandi, siap cantik2 Babah went out with Adan & Adik, foto2 gituh.
Gambo yg menyedarkan aku dat Hannah needs a new swimsuit. |
Checked-out on time and zoomed to....Uluwatu !! Hahaha I still want to see the cliff tho sunset is impossible. Gimme 1/2 the fun. Isi perut dkt resto Sunda in town & solat siap2 kat situ. Plan our time so we can reach the airport by 6pm. On our way there, made a stop at Garuda Wisnu Kencana, it's a park, a cultural park if I'm not mistaken. Motif ? To catch free shows as we have skipped (or missed wud be more accurate) all dances kechak, barongan what not. Not that I am a cheapskate this time...masa x mengijinkan hehe.
Memperkenalkan..Plazaaaaaa Garudaaaaa (dan maskotnya) |
How it's gonna look like once finished |
Eh macam tangan, nape jauh noo sampai kat luar park |
Pastu jumpa kepala garuda pulak |
Last2 jumpa kapla rider, |
So korang tengok size benda2 yg kitorang dah jumpa & compare dengan original statue yg diorg plan. bapak gergasi mak kau besar, kan ? Tak sure kenapa jadi camtu, rasanya financial kot. Go gugel.
Udah pusing2, foto2...blah ke Uluwatu.
The Cliff !! Hmmm nice nice nice view. Lucky we insisted that our supir to come in with us, else we missed the right side of Uluwatu since the temple & theatrette for kechak is on the left side.
The Cliff !! Hmmm nice nice nice view. Lucky we insisted that our supir to come in with us, else we missed the right side of Uluwatu since the temple & theatrette for kechak is on the left side.
Gojes |
Ohsem |
Whateva it is, trip to Uluwatu confirmed my feeling for mr monkey. I hate monkeys, naughty monkeys not yang mata bulat cute2 kat zoo. Free roaming, naughty monkeys. Walopon aku telah mengambil langkah berjaga2 seperti memastikan anak2 tidak memakai baju yg ada big buttons or dangling2 stuff, simpan all the sunglasses& strictly no food or water, but the biggest ape almost grabbed Hannah's foot becoz of a small
The new sandal which the monyet loves |
butterly on her newly-bought ipanema sandal. It's sooo small, smaller that my kuku kelingking. Aiyoo monyet, itu pun mau ka...kami jerit dan lari secara berjemaah bersama2 dengan a group of korean lady. Berjalan di Uluwatu sangat tidak aman. Supir kata, some monkeys were trained by the people there so they can earn some money to pujuk rayu the monkey to return it back to the owner. Shame.
There goes our Bali days, I made the wrong assumption that my kids may not be enjoying Bali. They love Bali, the view, the food especially and the fact that they can buy so many souvenirs coz it's dirt cheap.The only complaint was time spent in car as most places are quite far and not all views are sight to behold. Overall : SUKSES
Tak sia2 fenin sampai nk muntah 3 jam dlm dlm flight buat itinerary |
Next !! Bandoeng. It's seems like MY TIME...but it's not, shopping time is limited to few hours only karna aku masih sedar diri...ini adalah family vacation...
To cap this entry, let's muntah hijau with this pix where love is in the air
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