I’m still dazed by all the glitters and diva-headed-celebrities and lack of sleep. After almost than 6hours of lupa diri session, I was back home to resume my duty to all the 3 kids who were obviously treasuring the dreamland, lintang pukang all over the 2nd hall.
Back to the story. That very 1st word of the title should give away the clue of my entry. D I V A as in diva….yeah baby I was there watching the 3 Diva concert courtesy of my ‘CP’ed friend. TQ TQ
My dear pakwe volunteered to transport us there, while he went for ‘300’ at Mines. The place was not so crowded and I can see the backdrop@red carpet area, love it. I can see the x-4U2C guy receiving the stars. That was the starts of my celebrity-packed outing. We stood and chatted away, moved closer but still out of the buzzing area. Managed to secure a position right behind the TV crew along the red carpet, that area was empty coz everybody were jostling at the entrance.
We stood there, not paying attention to all the passing i-don’t-even-know-who-the-hell VVIP, but things started to change once Dayang & d Gangz entered the scene. We were lucky, nobody obstructing our view at all. Now, we moved closer to grab the title ‘screaming fan’ when the sorts like Ning, Zi@na Zen made the entrance. BTW, Sazzy’s hand was soft as..what ah ? Wangi somemore…That was when the celebrity-fanatic realized that they had a better chance to grab the celebrity at OUR VERY OWN SPOT, the debab gurl next to me even pushed my partner in crime and open up her ‘aircon’. But, Tun Mahathir made our day and inspired my petite friend to fight for a handshake, and YEss she did it.
1 thing fresh in my mind : how we ducked our face just in time before the TV crew shoving the on-air camera right under our nose, you ppl should see us in action, that was hilarious !! I’d rather die than caught in action doing the celeb-whoring. Call us hypocrite for all we care
Once inside, had to wait for almost 45min, either we’re awestrucked or we’re plain berlagak but we were surrounded by all the URTV-faces like Camelia, Hattan, Kuza, Fazura blabla yet we dinch move a bit haha as if they’re a normal sighting.
The concert was worth the waiting, they (Kris, Ruth and Titi-i-donch-know-who) are absolutely a DIVA, the voices…bergetar dadaku !! Tapi..bergetar lagi gegendang telinga baby yang dibawak oleh one inconsiderate mom, you selfish creature !! I love to bits when they paid a tribute to Sheila M & CT.
The concert ended gloriously but our night ended nightmarishly (at least for one of us) !! We made a transit at Craven Ampang for another celebrity sighting. Nora Danish with her subang gantung in the middle of the night, Cicco and his mum Uji were having their supper, we were told that the cafe belongs to Zainal Abidin the Hijau singer. My diva friend can’t stop scratching and it looks like she’ll get a free (medical)leave for the next 2 weeks. Isn't that a bliss ? or was that a blister ? Happy scratching