Aa Ba Aa Aa Ba Ba Ba Aa Aa
Ceritanya : :
We came back from work and announced 'Along, Adan, siap cepat malam ni gi ngaji kat tempat baru'. At that time all of them were in bathrooms. 5min later, when I checked on Along in her room (mesti check sbb dia adalah sedikit slow-train), I saw someone else who was already in her baju kurung, she said 'Hi ibu, kita mcm nak pegi kenduri..'.
After solat I found her downstairs, ready with tudung (baju pepel, tudung turquoise) 'rehearsing' her Iqra' 1. Macam dah biasa, padahal baru 1st time. Penat tahan gelak while peeping from the stairs, her 'alien' pronunciation very sesedap rasa except for huruf Alif
I walked them to the place (bibik followed as she got to send them if I came back too late). She was on scooter, gila laju dak kecik ni bawak scooter, dah la pakai baju kurung. I had to run, bukan lari2 anak ye...running bersungguh. Berpeluh sampai sana.
She queued with the rest and I had no choice but to register her as well. RM50/person, 5 days a week. She now became the youngest student in the class and she may be given priority in class coz tuan puteri Hannah mesti beradu sblm jam 9.
So babah, tell me..should I say no to this cute little face when she was sooo into it ? No reach heart la...
That would be her 1st 'formal' education. Haven't decided where to place her next year for pre-school.
btw, dia dah 'alih' to Aa Ba Ta, she passed Aa Ba with flying colors.